Tuesday, May 3

help!! i'm addicted!

i really think this is not healthy anymore. after a week of the internet isolation i cannot pluck myself away from the computer!!! i 'm addicted to blogging (if it includes checking blogs).. i was supposed to work on some school stuff but it just doesn't work ;) too tired of it maybe :)

there were some good news today - i've got a part time job offer recently and have successfully managed an interview for next thursday today. whatmore, i got another offer in the morning to work for the company i've worked for some time ago (translating advertisements czech to english).. what? 2 job offers within a week? (!!!) haha..

well, gotta work on some school stuff indeed..
later dudes..


Anonymous said...

I'M ADDICTED TOO! Especially when I have two 7-10 page papers to write! I would SO rather be blogging than writing those crazy things!

stano said...

oh, yeah, i do SO agree with you carrie!!! ;))
BUT! at least i got myself working on this presentation from risk analysis i have to make due thursday..

Anonymous said...

super!gratulujem k pracam!!!!a co budes v informe robit, dufam, ze prekladat opat!asi si konecne uvedomili tvoju pravu hodnotu;)

stano said...

hej, prekladat..
a dakujem za gratulaciu.. myslim, ze si neuvedomili moju pravu hodnotu, len nestihaju opat! ;)