Tuesday, February 21

more breaking news! :)

all these news are so breaking that they'll break your face if you're not careful enough!! *nerdy sarcastic laugh* so, anyways guys, i believe that you were tired of those chemical structures so here are some news: yesterday, my second (and last) cellphone was stolen at school! i've accidently left it on my locker and in like 4 minutes it was gone! fortunatelly, we have this security video system at school and we know who did it! right now we are in the middle of the investigation process so i cannot give you any further details.. so, just to let you know, you won't reach me on my cell these days!
have a good one! :D


Anonymous said...

ahoj swynka, no ty mas teda stastie na tieto veci, dufam ze sa vsetko vyriesi a dostanes svoj mobil s5 alebo aspon nahradu penaznu :) Missujem ta a tesim sa uz domov

Anonymous said...

ahoj! Aj mne ukradli mobil v skole!!! Z bundy...aj ked to bola trosku moja chyba...ale iba trosku! ale zase mi mozme a video security system len dreamovat;)))!! hehe! Drzim palce aby vsetko dopadlo fajn:)))!!! monika

Anonymous said...

Ty svina! Ty si si ho urcite ukradol sam! :oD