Tuesday, August 9

bad nite..

i finally realised today what it means to sleep bad.. this experience made me appreciate good sleep so much!

so, last nite we had a choir rehearsal here in trnava for the upcoming project we do on saturday in austria and were done by about 9:30pm, then went for a beer (a had a cup of coffee tho) and then went home. i got to bed about 1am since i couldn't sleep (probably the coffee but i never did have probems with that so i'm not sure) and was reading peculiar favor by charlie jones (peculiar person). i had a slight headache but i thot that by morning i will be fine..

in spite of that i couldn't even fall asleep till like 5am 'cause my headache wouldn't go away, it just grew stronger and stronger. at 5am i decided to sit on my bed and after i did that the headache just became unbearable. i felt like i will jump out of the window or something. the sun was rising already. the birds were singing in the trees. i was still awake with a terrible headache.. now, what do you call a nite like that?!!

finally, i got some medicine that i found in my bag and some that i found in the kitchen and then somehow the headache went away around 6am and i finally was able to fall asleep. i slept till 9:30am..


Anonymous said...

Well, check out my website!! It will make you feel better after a restless night to know you were caught on FILM hating my shorts!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Stefano, stop denying it!! You just love my lil ol American legs, don't ya? Hee hee hee! JK! Off to eat Indian food with the fam!! ;) Love ya tons!