i'm such a bad student.. i signed up for an exam yesterday and i had to take it today.. of course, i was not ready to take it 'cause i didn't have any time to study.. so i went to talk to the teacher about my situation and she said that she was not very happy about it but i can take the exam next friday instead.. i'm a dork.
so, instead of being stressed out and trying to learn as much stuff as possible in 2 hours, i went out for a lunch and a cup of good coffee with some classmates ;) that was the good part of the day.. :)
now i have to get ready to go to napajedla 'cause i'm having a concert with vox there at 7pm. it will be cool 'cause my mom and grandma and some more people i know will come all that way to czech republic to see the concert!! ;) (even tho it's not that far away from slovakia but still)
there will be more concerts - one on friday nite and one more on monday nite.. i've posted the flier for those some time ago already.. i'm excited - it will be a big piece of very strong eastern music.. plus, i will have some really great audience on monday! ;))
later guys..
Thursday, May 5
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no ty si uplne ze grecky student!!!!:)))drzim palce na koncerty, nech dobre dopadnu. kiez by som sa mohla nachvilu presunut do CR, ale zas nemozem byt vsade:)jaj, a dakujem za pozdrav, co si poslal po Migelitovi;)
hej, neni zac :)
koncerty dufam, ze vyjdu.. ten vcerajsi bol uplne ze super ;) velmi som sa tesil, ze prisla aj mamina aj babka aj karol aj nasi znami ;) 5 ludi total ;) dnes sa na koncert opat velmi tesim, kvoli takym chvilam sa oplati obetovat kopec volneho casu, je to nenormalne krasna hudba.. :)
hej, mas pravdu a velmi mi to tu chyba. ked sme boli na Korfu, bavili sme sa s Uwe o hudbe a dozvedela som sa, ze spieval v zbore (bariton). tak som mu povedala, ze aj Migelito spieva (tenor), tak potom spievali spolu nejaku pesnicku (asi sakralnu),bolo to super, som si spomenula na Canticu a Tirnaviu:)
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