Friday, March 18

friday rocks!

hey there.. i am just finished with my school for this week! woohoo! i just took a test from waste water treatment (and i guess i failed 'cause i didn't study enough - even tho - what is enough in my case? ;) ).. and now i am ready to "take off" for trnava! i will run home and pack some stuff and then take a bus @ 12:30 to get to trnava in time for ec meeting (even tho i have no clue if there is one)..
janka has finally posted some pictures from her "vacation" (haha) in greece so check them out! ;)
and that's it! you guys have a nice weekend and don't forget to watch superstar tonite @ 8pm on stv1! ;)


Anonymous said...

cau swynka, toho failovania u teba sa vobec nebojim - sak uz nejaky ten rok s tebou "zijem";)a ta poznam:)))no a s tym vacation, tak to si vyjadril uplne presne. dnes som sedela na schodoch vonku pred estiou a slnila som sa a rozmyslala som nad tym, ako sa budem chodit kazdy den kupat do mora,ked bude este teplejsie.a potom som si tak uvedomila, ze sak na skolu som vobec nepomyslela.tak uz zacinam mat vycitky svedomia - od buduceho tyzdna sa zacinam ucit, som sa rozhodla (sice som to hovorila aj minuly tyzden...:))

Anonymous said...

:))opat sa mi nieco podarilo, ale tentokrat len 2x!!prosim ta vymaz ten prvy post, asi pochopis co som urobila...:))

Anonymous said...

Stano! I love your new blog. And all the pictures are amazing.