Sunday, December 24

merry christmas! :)

christmas day 2006, l-r> karol, paulinka, daska, me

glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.
i wish you all wonderful christmas! :)

Tuesday, December 5

breaking news> kempeki in trnava!!!

"meki! feki!! jak u debilov!!!"

"no co keempeerka?! zrala si na ranajky paarky?!!"

who wouldn't remember kempeki, the charismatic aerobics dictatress (above), and her alter ego aja milichovska (below), from building summer english camp 2006!

kempeki's alter ego, aja milichovska

now guess what!! aja is coming to trnava to sing for YOU at trnava's christmas market on thursday 14th december with a vocal group called mosny from brno! make sure you you're at the square at 5pm sharp and don't miss her outstanding performance in a group of 6(+) young talented musicians! and don't forget to bring slogan banners, cameras and finacial gifts! (the financial part was a joke :))
see you there!

Tuesday, November 28


tirnavia, casta 2006

here are some pics from a weekend practise we had with da choir a couple of weeks ago.

Tuesday, November 21

just an update..

ireland by sheggi

this is where i'm going to spend this new year's eve!! ;)
i'm busy again teaching - it's great. i had 2 classes today and my students and i had a blast on both of them.
school stuff is coming together - got an appointment on friday w/professor.
janka laukova is coming for a short visit in brno on thursday! exciting! ;)
vox had a great concert on sunday night here in brno. was glad to be a part of it.
see you guys in trnava on the weekend!!! :))

Monday, October 30

winter's here..

i saw the devil last night--wearing prada, of course.
the weekend in trnava was cool. except for the way back to brno. i tried out taking 9.44 bus last night--full. 11.25--full. thus today, after 4 hrs of non-refreshing sleep and 4 hrs of non-heated bus trip, i feel like a peace of crap.
at least there are some good news about my school tho. i feel very determined not to give it up.

Friday, October 13

gotta love'em

my profesor entirely changed the topic for my diploma thesis (again!) so i gotta start from scratch this time.. the whole reasearch from last year and hundreds of read pages and printed materials can be thrown away.. great! gotta love school!!!

Tuesday, October 3

at the station

petra and me at trnava train station

this is an older picture but i like it (thx johny!).. other than the picture there are no news really.. i'm back at work.. so.. gotta work! :P

Monday, September 25

choral weekend

so i have survived the weekend.. :) it was fairly busy. we had 3 concerts altogether - two with vox and one with tirnavia. on friday we sang in brno, it was about an hour long performance in a church, with about 40 people in the audience so it was pretty small and kinda nice. in spite of that though i didn't really enjoy the concert so much, i was just tired and wanted it to be over.. saturday wasdifferent though. i was even more tired (no wonder, after an almost three-hour-long trip to slovakia) bu7t excited.. we did a piece by mikulas schneider trnavsky that was never ever sung before. i is a mass that was written in 1945 and was never completed by the author himself but by his granddaughter who found the materials with losts of musical ideas that were not put together and after a long and tiring research, she was able to put it all together. the result is a great piece perhaps about half-an-hour long for an orchestra, a mixed choir and four soloists. after the concert, that also included another great piece-requiem by g. faure, we recorded schneider's mass and there was an afterparty starting midnight. after about 20 hours spent in slovakia (which included 3 hours of sleep) i went back to brno, only to have another concert, this time in a cave in moravsky kras region. this was a really nice experience, even though there was only 8°C and about 90 per cent humidity in the cave. i almost crashed today from being so tired but it was a nice weekend after all.. :)

Friday, September 8


finaly going home for the weekend in trnava which is going to include 'tradicny trnavsky jarmok' (means lots of people, alcohol, and all that crap), lots of choir practises, a doctor visit, etc. see you there! ;)

Monday, September 4

holiday's definately over!

it seems like i am not updating at all! sorry for that..
i've been trying to settle down here in brno and get ready for a new semester of teaching, studying and singing, and it's been crazy and great at the same time! well, i bet iot will be hard to adjust to schedules and deadlines again after SUCH a great summer this year! after all the camps and trips abroad and fun stuff.. my last vacation was with the language school colleagues in budisov (about an hour of driving from brno) and it was team-building and refreshing at the same time. here are some pics from the vacation>

me and the girls :) (l-r> aja (aka kempeki), tana (da boss), gabca)

the woods were fun..

a great remodelled cottage where we stayed and partied.. :)

Monday, August 28

Tuesday, August 22

believe it or not - an update! :)

my favorite peeps.. :)

petra will kill me for posting this picture but what shall i do :) i love how your lip looks a lot like now, even tho the pic was taken during the last camp this summer i believe.
anyhow, i am really updating only because our departure to the TLC vacation was postponed.. we're waiting for the director and will hopefully be leaving in about 30 minutes from brno to budisov, which is sorta close (about 45min driving from here).. will meet some new colleagues there and hopefully will have fun and get some good rest.

how am i doing tho? well, i think this's been my bussiest summer ever and i went to tons of new places - the most recent are hungary and switzerland, and now i am ready to chill out :)) i made it safe to brno today and will stay in CR for at least 2 weeks and then stay here for the semester and go to TT on the weekends..

Tuesday, August 1

what?!??!! is it really august?!

becky and me in smolenice, slovakia

man, the time FLIES!!! amd i am really bad at updating.. :(
even tho, there's been many interesting things going on!! well, maybe not that interesting but i'm having tons of fun! ;) after the camps i went to brno for a week or so to teach some classes. it was great to see my students again and just hang out and play games inj english.. gotta love'em! :)) at the weekend that week i went to walachian region in northern moravia to my friend's house - kuba is a dear friend from the brno choir and we've spent a great weekend with other 4 friends there which was extremely relaxing for me! :)
and then, this past weekend becky mcdaniel from lakeside, OH, came for a short but intensive visit and we just had a blast seing each other after 2 years. thanks becky for being such a friend! :)
well, that's about it (in a very condensed fashion). i hope to post some more pictures later..

Thursday, July 27

camps were fun!

swyna gorging on spekacky.. :)

sorry um not updating - maybe this weekend!? :)

Thursday, June 15

busy (once again)

my future flatmates

hey there guys, i am busy again.. but i love it ;) we are getting ready for da CAMPS (!!!!) at the building and i am SOOOO excited about them!! :)) i am still teaching a LOT but it's very enjoyable still.. mrrr, megs, c'ena and eli came to visit janka and me here in brno this week and it was great!! :) (except for the sickness, i was so sorry c'ena (&eli)).. we were shoppping and got some cool stuff :) maggie even joined me for wednesday's morning class and it was fun to see my begginer students try to communicate in english.. :) they were great, and megs was too. fun, fun.. :D

right now i am at school for a sec while al;l of my classmates are graduating and they are being SUPER nervous 'cause it's sorta a big deal here but i'm pretty sure they'll do just fine..

i'll talk to y'all later and hopefully post some more pics from russia or from upcoming concerts (everyone is invited, of course!):

21.6. @ 19.00 brno, cr - tirnavia
23.6. @ eve hodrusa, sk - tirnavia
25.6. @ 20.00 kromeriz, cr - vox iuvenalis

Thursday, June 1

some more pics from russia

the red square, moscow

my russian fans ;P

and that's all for now cause i am busy :) i was teaching for 6hrs 30min today and i am really tired!! i'm going to trnava tomorrow, so i am excited to see you (if you're there!! :))

Tuesday, May 23

hey, i'm here!

moscow, russia

hey guys, i'm back! aren't you glad i ain't dead?!! ;) i'm sorry for not updating for so long but...but, traditionally, i didn't have time! :))

the trip to russia with the choir this month was amazing! i loved it so!! :) made some new friends in nyzhnyj novghorod, where we took part in a russian choir festival, and spent 2 days on moscow afterwards.. it was COOL!! ;) i will post pictures as soon as i will have any.. for now, check some on oja's site.

other than that, i am working (how suprising, right?) i am really looking forward to going to trnava for the weekend and seeing my DEAR friends i haven't seen for a LOOOONG time! :) by then, ciao!

Saturday, April 15

Friday, March 24

another weekend in trnava

Garage deLuxe peeps at the choir ball, trnava

after a real busy week in brno (tons of teaching and a lack of sleep) here i am for a real busy weekend in trnava! :) got my new passport today, hung out with my stylist :)), went to the B for a summer camp meeting (so excited already!!), helped janka some with her thesis, and now am headed for a choir practise.
tomorrow i am going to bratislava with petra to visit her family and just hang out in the capital :) and sunday there's church and then a long expected grandma visit :))
have a good weekend!
and, here's one more picture from the ball.. my oh my.. :)

janka and me dancing like .. drunks! ;) well, almost :)

more pictures from the ball>

Monday, March 20

spring's here!! :)

i had a short and exhausting but though great weekend! i saw seggi after a long time which was cool! ;) and now, back to work..

have a good week! :D

Tuesday, March 14

i'm lazy..

p-star and I with frozen smiles

hey there. i've had a great weekend in trnava and i'm glad i can share some pics (thx, petra & megan!) btw, how do you like my new profile pic? :)) haha..
i've been so lazy this week!! i'm unable to tidy my room and prepare for the classes i teach because i am such a carpet knight (?-i found that expression in the dictionary, is it Br or Am?)!

oh, what a close-up!

Sunday, March 12

question of the day

"how many sundays are there in a week?"

by petra-star during the fellowship financial meeting, said a week instead of a year :)
(answer: one)

Saturday, March 11


hey there.. how's your weekend? 'cos mine is sooo good (so far)! :) after a month in trnava it's so cool to hang out with family and friends and just relax.. last nite we had a choir gathering and we had some wine and talked until almost 1am! cool..
superstar last nite ended for barbora baluchova who sorta was my favorite, not as a singer tho, just as a personality..

barbora baluchova

tonite we are having a party at the B and i am looking forward to more hanging out and also for church tomorrow morning. so, have a good one!! :)

Wednesday, March 8

coming to trnava for the weekend.. i will see you soon! :)

who was talking about mad hairdo skillz?!! :) [more pics]

Wednesday, March 1

looong winter

gosh, this winter's been extremely long! today it snowed again!! and it's march already!!! i'm tired of it..
hope you all've been doing good. i am fine here in brno, teaching as usually. i've been sick a little this week, just sore throat tho (i hope it will go away soon). that's all from my boring life :)
(even tho is usually not this boring)

dear friends, i miss you!

Friday, February 24

cell phone news

hey there, i got my stolen cell phone back from the guy who took it! we were able to identify him via the security system and after i called him he returned it! :) it's funny cause i prayed about it that morning and it worked! it's great.. :) have a great weekend guys!

Tuesday, February 21

more breaking news! :)

all these news are so breaking that they'll break your face if you're not careful enough!! *nerdy sarcastic laugh* so, anyways guys, i believe that you were tired of those chemical structures so here are some news: yesterday, my second (and last) cellphone was stolen at school! i've accidently left it on my locker and in like 4 minutes it was gone! fortunatelly, we have this security video system at school and we know who did it! right now we are in the middle of the investigation process so i cannot give you any further details.. so, just to let you know, you won't reach me on my cell these days!
have a good one! :D

Friday, February 10

nerdy breaking news

thermogelling biodegradable block copolymers [source]

ok, i have an announcement to make - i've decided to stay at university for one more year and graduate in two semesters from now. a shocker, istn't it! after i started working on my diploma thesis i realised that i don't have enough time to do all my research properly and turn in my diploma thesis in time. fortunately, i've started to be very interested in the topic of my research which is a degradational behavior of thermogelling biodegradable copolymers such as PLGA-PEG copolymers functionalized with itaconic acid (yeah, i know, whatever that means :D). these compounds can be very useful in medical applications such as injectable drug delivery systems with controlled degradation kinetics, or scaffolding materials for tissue regeneration etc. such polymers are currently used in biodegradable sutures that don't require any surgical removal and many more useful applications..

so, anyhow, i've decided that i'd like to do the research properly and take one more year to study and then graduate. it's cool 'cause i can continue in my studies for free! this decision also solves a lot of the dilemmas i've delt with lately (e.g. whether to stay in brno and keep teaching english next year or leave the country and move out of the flat in brno). moreover, i have an approval of working (teaching english) and studying at the same time from my professor which is just cool! this way, i will also get one more summer vacation in my life! :)

anyhow, i am excited. and thankful. :) have a great weekend and don't forget to donate a kidney or two! :P

Wednesday, February 8

picture of the day - garage deluxe crew 2005

some of my favorite friends (miso, zzana, mishka, kika and pet; l->r), in front of my favorite house (aka Garage deLuxe), in my most favorite place in this world (lakeside, oh) :)

i'm really busy with my diploma thesis these days so i don't have much time to check your blogs so i do hope that everybody is doing great! :) and thanks for all th comments! i love it! :)

Tuesday, January 31

happy end of january!

dear seggi, i would update more if i could!! (thank you for your comment tho!!) :D

me and eliska, whom i miss a lot! (an old pic, thx 4 reminding me, sheggi!)

the weekend in brno was cool again! read more at janka's site! amongs other stuff, we also watched the ring again.. well, for those who don't remember or know how scared i get watching that movie, here goes> :))) yeah, last time i saw it i couldn't sleep well for some time (about 2 weeks).. this time, the night after seeing it i woke up at 3.20am and couldn't get back to sleep!!! i am so silly!!! :)

my vocal group PAKOS putting up a little concert for friends
(01/08/06, coffee shop "na ceste", brno, czech rep.)

anyhoos, i am at school right now so i better go and do some school stuff.. i'm almost done with my studies!!! :)) just few more months..

ok, and here's something for my slovak-speaking friends!! :) n-joy!

text e-mailu>
Chcem sa podakovat vsetkym co mi poslali maily 'nepretrhni retaz' a 'posli dalej' v roku 2005! Vdaka vasej dobrote:
- som prestal pit Colu odvtedy ako som sa dozvedel, ze sa s nou cistia skvrny na WC!
- uz ani nechodim velmi do kina, lebo sa bojim, ze si sadnem na nainfikovanu ihlu AIDS!
- potim sa, lebo uz nepouzivam deodoranty ako som sa dozvedel, ze provokuju rakovinu!
- uz neparkujem v krytych parkoviskach, lebo sa bojim, ze mi niekto daruje parfem aby ma nadrogoval a znasilnil!
- vsetky moje uspory som dal na ucet Amy Bruce, chuda dieta caka na transplantaciu srdca uz aspon po 7000 raz (zaujimave, ze do roku 1995 ma stale 7 rokov)!
- moj mobil Nokia GSM co som mal dostat zadarmo stale neprisiel a ani listky do Disneylandu!
- 22x som prelozil oslavu mojich narodenin, lebo stale cakam na donasku vina zdarma a vsetci moji priatelia su na mna nastvani!
- zapisal som svoje meno do listu s dalsimi 3000 menami na zachranu veverice z Mozambiku, ktora ma coskoro vyhynut (a ktora je vlastne taka vzacna, ze ziadnu nikto nikdy nevidel)!
- dozvedel som sa po 170 raz, ze MSN Hotmail mi zrusi mailovu schranku, ale stale sa nic nezmenilo!
- uz poznam recept ako najst spriaznenu dusu (staci napisat jeho meno na papier a poskrabat si zadok a pritom sa tocit v smere hodinovych ruciciet okolo Renaulta 4L)
- mal som nestastie priblizne 3000x a som mrtvy 67x, lebo som nikdy neodoslal maily dalej a uz vobec nie do 24 hodin!

Dakujem Vam!!! Dolezite: Ak neodosles tento mail do 10 sekund aspon 850 000 ludom, modry dinosaurus zozerie zajtra celu tvoju rodinu o 17h30!

Tuesday, January 24

now, everybody freeze!!!

hanging out with friends at irish pub, trnava (by aaronius)

oh my kidneys, it really is freakin' cold in here!!! [svoko]

i have finished my last exam at this school-a-mine monday morning and it feels SO GOOD!!! :] now i just have to write my thesis which is due may i guess and pass the finals in june.. woohoo!!! :)

miss you guys!

Monday, January 23

latest superstar..

alexandra okalova (alannah myles - black velvet)

i was so pissed that alexandra okalova didn't make it to the final round!!! in my opinion, her performance (wmv video) was the best during friday nite semifinal superstar evening.. singing black velvet in a nice black dress and looking great!! one could tell that she really enjoyed it.. hopefully she's going to be nominated with 4 other kids (she's 28 btw) this friday for a wild card (q> how do they call that in american idol?)

Friday, January 20

woo, it's been 10 days since i last updated!! i gotta get better.. :) there's not much to say tho - i've just spent nice 2 days with 2 friends from trnava here in brno, did some shopping, tought a lot, slept a little, and just stuff like that.. there's not much to write about i guess. except that i've decided to stay in brno for a little while now (about a month) so that i could finaly start working on my thesis and get ready for classes during the weekends.. so for you in trnava - i won't see you for some time now and i miss you!!!! :( so sad.. :D
you guys have a great weekend and watch superstar tonite on stv1 at 8pm!! :)

maria bundova - my favorite this year so far..

Tuesday, January 10

got better :)

hey there guys! :) i'm healthy again and enjoying life, such as work and school!! JK :) But nay, work has been fun lately and school is comming out all right so far.. i'm just glad i'm feeling better, that's it.

having no internet connection at the apartment is being worse than i've expected it to be.. i can check my e-mails and your blogs and update my blog only at school now and i hardly go to school once a week these days.. :( but anyhooz, i am here now so here comes a short update! :D

saturday lunch - chili con carne, fresh salad and wine

crazy flatmates

over this past weekend i stayed in brno and it was a great decision after all - after spending some quality time with my flatmates and having a really cool lunch we went to see the lion, the witch and the wardrobe in a movie theater here in brno.. even tho it was in czech and we had to sit in a second row it was a highlight of me week (together with church on sunday nite)! :] i cried half of the movie 'cause it was just so cool to watch! in words of LL, i deff/ loved it! :)

more at janka's blog!

Tuesday, January 3

first day of school

after not-so-long and not-as-good christmas vacation i am at school again! yes. my semester will be over in february and even though i don't have any more lectures i still have some papers to turn in. like the one today - i was supposed to have a presentation on my paper and was working on it at school for almost 4 hours and - the profesor didn't show up! whatmore, she gave a permission to another profesor to give As to all of us without even looking at the paper nor viewing the presentation! i was a little pissed 'cause i think i did a decent job with this presentation but at the other hand i am glad i have my credit for nothing.
in other news (or - in addition to the previous) i'm sick. i have sore throat (sp?) since last year (31Dec) and i lost my voice several times since then. i had to cancel almost all of my classes this week. i am off to go to bed. happy new year.